HTS Ventilation Hurtwonia nominated our company to take part in #GaszynChallenge – an action whose rules are very simple: people or companies nominated to play must do 10 push-ups or 10 squats. If they perform the exercise, they pay a minimum of 5 PLN, if someone is unable to meet the challenge, they pay a minimum of 10 PLN to the account of a selected child in need. The nominees have 48 hours to complete the task and should nominate at least 3 persons/companies – You can break the rules, but only upwards: more pumps and more zlotys! In the videos of the challenge implementation, type #GaszynChallenge.
Gaszyn is a village located between Praszka and Wielun, just outside the Opole region. Volunteer firefighters from this village invented an action with pumps to help seriously ill Wojtek Howis. The 1.5-year-old Wojtek suffers from SMA (type I spinal muscular atrophy). The action has spread all over the Internet and now, under the #gaszynchallange action, various companies and organizations support selected collections on #siepaga and encourage to collect money for children suffering from this disease. The only chance for these children is to be treated with the innovative drug Zongelsma, which without any exaggeration is called the world’s most expensive drug. The cost of the drug therapy is 9-10 million PLN!
DARCO took up the challenge and a group of employees did the exercises, and the collected amount went to the foundation’s account to help Antonina Popławska in her fight against SMA. Thank you HTS wholesaler for the nomination! We are glad that we could join in this interesting action. We encourage everyone to take part and pay bricks through the site:https://www.siepomaga.pl/ocalic-tosie . Film with the participation of DARCO employees who took up the challenge: